Saturday, December 15, 2018

Update: Week of 09/12/18


During this week I have now gone back to edit the homepage, the main changes was the main two articles which I tried to make them more similar to Vogue, because I did not like the aesthetic of the article previously. Another change is the placement of the images on the right, most Bauer magazines website have the images on the right and the addition of a block ad, for the conventions. I have also gone back to change the video, because of copyright concerns I changed the music and cut out some small unnecessary parts of the video, in regards to my linked page I have now added the video and it is complete. 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Update: Week of 02/12/18


During this week I am making my linked page, I decided to change this from a beauty page to an article about the front cover model, this will allow me to have my audio/visual which is an interview realistically integrated on the website. This will also create cohesion between the website and edition one. This has not been as challenging as the home page, and I am happy with the results of the linked page. The most difficult part of this was writing the article as I had to make it in accordance to the interview. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Update: Week of 25/11/18


During this week I am began making my website, I made the homepage for now, I am happy with the results of the homepage, but hope to improve it to make it look more like other fashion magazine websites. So far, it was difficult learning how to use the program in the beginning but I learned eventually and began making the website, the biggest challenge I encountered is the header, I wanted to initially make it like my flat plan but to make it work better, I had to make it thinner, this also worked out well in the end as now it looks similar to the Grazia header. My main inspiration for this homepage was Harper's Bazaar and Elle.

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Centre: NMBEC Centre No: 14343 Candidate Name: Beatriz Rodrigues Coelho Candidate No: 3181